The area projects

Creative City


Being part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network means offering a platform for growth to operators, also through the creation of training courses that recover traditional knowledge and the sharing of good practices. The cities in the Network are committed to sharing good practices and collaborating, involving the creative community. Being part of the Network means making one’s tradition, skills and creativity available to the world. The Network supports artistic exchanges and research partnerships with both Network cities and the public and private sectors. Creative Cities contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030.

The activity of the Creative City is varied and diversified. The Creative City plays an active role both by designing and coordinating events and projects aimed at the exchange of good practices and the transmission of knowledge and culture, and by participating and enhancing those organized by other subjects. It supports initiatives whose core values are in line with those of the Creative City and coherent with the City’s action plan. These types of involvement serve to spread and share cultural awareness and to put creative values and knowledge in circle. They are the result of a relationship activity that creates networks between realities that can work together.

* The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action agenda for people, planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 member countries of the UN. It incorporates 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Discover the 17 goals of the 2030 agenda


Participation in the forum “CreativeMakers – creative skills for the Future” 
organized by Como Creative City for Crafts and Folk Art

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Peace justice and strong institutions (16)

International network membership at the Pueblos del Maiz
in association with the Municipality of Gandino and the Association Mais Spinato di Gandino

Election of Bergamo Creative City to Vice Coordinator of the Gastronomy Cluster of the World Network of Creative Cities

Participation in the University of Bergamo seminar “Fostering creativity in tourism from theory to practice: gastronomy tourism”

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda –
> Quality education (4)
> Decent work and economic growth (8)


Water Seminar 4
Water and food. The role of water in nutrition. Seminar within the event Waterweek 2023
organized by Uniacque Spa –  with the participation of Bergamo Creative City

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Clean water and sanitation (6)
> Life on Earth (15)

Sportumanza event
A joint project of the University of Bergamo, Confindustria Bergamo, Fassi Spa (project support)

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)

De Casoncello 2023 event
organized by De Cibo Association, with the logo of Bergamo Creative City

Participation in the international cooperation project IURC – International Urban and Regional Cooperation
organized by IURC – International Urban and Regional Cooperation and supported by the European Union.

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)
> Peace, justice and sound institutions (16)

Contributed to the San Antonio Film Festival competition
in collaboration with Oros

Participation in the Food Wine Tourism Forum
organized by the Langhe Monferrato Roero Tourist Board.

International Summit of Creative Cities Feeding Innovation Through Creativity

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

> Life on land (15)

Manifestation Agriculture and the right to food: roundtable “Corn and climate change”

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)
> Climate action (13)

> Life on land (15)

“The Days of Melgotto” review and “Spinato at the palace – Spinato Gala” organized by the Association Mais Spinato di Gandino and Municipality of Gandino

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

> Climate action (13)

“Convivio: food in literature” review, November 22-25, 2023

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Quality education (4)

“Heraklion Creative City of Gastronomy 2023” conference, organized by Heraklion Creative City

“Urbanpromo 2023: The Food Supply of the City” conference
organized by the National Institute of Urban Planning and URBIT – Urbanistica Italiana Srl

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

“Grafting cities: Cultivating our common future”
event organized by Modena, Creative City for Media Arts

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)

Supporting the Creative City candidature for the Cities of Gangneung, South Korea; Matosinhos, Portugal; Castelbuono, Italy

Venice Biennale 2023, “Preservation and protection of memory to design the future” conference

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable Cities and Communities (11)

“Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century” UNESCO conference

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Peace justice and strong institutions (16)

“Forme Cult 2023”
organized by Le Tre Signorie Association, with the collaboration of Bergamo Creative City

“Food Film Fest 2023”
organized by Art Maiora Association, with the logo of Bergamo Creative City

“European Conference on Geographical Indications” in Lisbon
organized by the Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture of Portugal

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Good health and well-being (3)
> Decent work and economic growth (8)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)


CampagnAmica e Agrimercato
promoted by Coldiretti Bergamo and with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Conferenza Il paesaggio dimenticato delle Città Creative italiane UNESCO per la Gastronomia
inside the event I maestri del Paesaggio – Landscape Festival 2022 – organized by Arketipos

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Life on land (15)

Evento BookPride
organized by Milano Città Creativa per la Letteratura

Evento Futura Creativa – The cities challenge: innovation, sustainability, and inclusion
organized by Modena Città Creativa per Media Arts

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Reduced inequalities (10)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Evento Urbanpromo – progetti per il paese svoltosi a Torino, Città Creativa per il Design
organized by Urbit Urbanistica Italiana

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)

Festival del Pastoralismo 2022
organized by Associazione Festival del Pastoralismo

Manifestazione Agricultura e Diritto al Cibo VII Edizione
promoted by Comune di Bergamo and organized by Urban Food Policy Pact

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Manifestazione De Casoncello 2022
organized by Associazione De Cibo, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Food Film Fest 2022
organized by Associazione Art Maiora, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Forme Infinite 2022
organized by Associazione Le Tre Signorie, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Mostra diffusa Coesistenza – Vivere con l’altro, pensare ecologicamente
in collaboration with Associazione NAHR – organized by Associazione Nahr

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Climate action (13)
> Life on land (15)

Progetto di cooperazione internazionale Premio dei Presidenti Bergamo-Ludwisburg
promoted by Comune di Bergamo and Università degli Studi di Bergamo

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Quality education (4)
> Peace justice and strong institutions (16)

Progetto europeo Food Trails – Programma EU Horizon 2020
promoted by Comune di Milano and organized by Urban Food Policy Pact

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Seminario Generare un Luogo
organized by GAL Valle Seriana e dei Laghi Bergamaschi

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Decent work and economic growth (8)
> Life on land (15)

Summit Internazionale delle Città Creative Bridges across Boundaries – Intercluster Exchanges for Creative Solutions 
promoted by Comune di Bergamo

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Partnership for the goals (17)


Festival del Pastoralismo 2021
organized by
Associazione Festival del Pastoralismo, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Progetto internazionale JOIN – Job Innovation and Networking in the Rural Area
organized by
GAL Valle Seriana e dei Laghi Bergamaschi

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Decent work and economic growth (8)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Life on land (15)

Corso di formazione IFTS Tecnico per la valorizzazione dei prodotti nella filiera lattiero-casearia
organized by
ABF Azienda Bergamasca Formazione

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Quality education (4)
> Decent work and economic growth (8)

Evento Book City
organized by Milano Città Creativa per la Letteratura

Evento Cheese. Le forme del latte a Bra
organized by
Slow Food and Comune di Bra

Evento Creativity Forum – Carrara for the UNESCO Creative Cities
Carrara, Città Creativa per Artigianato e Arte popolare

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)

Forum delle Città Creative a cura di Biella
Biella Città Creativa per Artigianato e Arte popolare

Manifestazione Agricultura e Diritto al Cibo VI Edizione
 promoted by Comune di Bergamo and organized by
Urban Food Policy Pact

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Manifestazione De Casoncello 2021
organized by
Associazione De Cibo, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Food Film Fest 2021
organized by
Associazione ArtMaiora, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Forme Future 2021
organized by
Associazione Le Tre Signorie, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Partecipazione al progetto di cooperazione internazionale IURC – International Urban and Regional Cooperation
organized by
IURC – International Urban and Regional Cooperation e supportato dall’Unione Europea

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Peace justice and strong institutions (16)

Progetto Bread of the Creative Cities
organized by
Ck Foundation

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Progetto formazione terziaria di specializzazione IFTS Cucina Del Benessere
organized by
ENGIM Lombardia – organized by ENGIM Lombardia, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Quality education (4)
> Decent work and economic growth (8)

Seminario Le Città Creative UNESCO in Lombardia: la rete, i temi, le sinergie
organized by
Links e Regione Lombardia

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)

Settimana del Tartufo di Alba
promoted by Alba, Città Creativa per la Gastronomia

Sottoscrizione del protocollo d’intesa del Distretto delle Città Creative UNESCO italiane per la Gastronomia, insieme ad Alba e Parma
promoted and organized by Comune di Alba; Comune di Parma, Comune di Bergamo

Summit internazionale delle Città Creative Remember the Future
promoted by Comune di Bergamo and organized by 
Associazione Le Tre Signorie

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Partnership for the goals (17)

Workshop Sostenibilità Ambientale e Experience Design
organized by
GAL Valle Seriana e dei Laghi Bergamaschi, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)
> Climate action (13)


Adesione ufficiale al Coordinamento delle Città Creative italiane
organized by
Coordinamento Nazionale delle Città Creative

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Partnership for the goals (17)

Condivisione best practice con il network UNESCO per il progetto Creative Cities’ Responses to COVID-19: leveraging the power of culture and creativity
promoted by UNESCO

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Good health and well-being (3)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)

Transumanza dei bergamini, Bergamo | Gorgonzola
organized by
Associazione Festival del Pastoralismo

Iniziativa UrbanSolutions: Learning from cities responses to Covid-19 Cities Platform Online Meeting
promoted by UNESCO

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Good health and well-being (3)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)

Manifestazione De Casoncello 2020
organized by
Associazione de Cibo, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Food Film Fest 2020
organized by
Associazione ArtMaiora, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Manifestazione Forme Creative 2020
organized by
Associazione Le Tre Signorie, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Mostra fotografica “Segni e sogni d’Alpe – passione, orgoglio e resilienza”, presso il Palazzo della Ragione, dedicata alla montagna e alle sue professioni tradizionali
promoted by Comune di Bergamo, in
collaborazione con Orobie

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Decent work and economic growth (8)
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Life on land (15)

Opuscolo in Braille “La tovaglia Bergamasca” dedicato all’enogastronomia bergamasca
a cura di
UICI Bergamo, with the logo of Bergamo Città Creativa

Sostegno alla realizzazione del libro “Le Valli dei Formaggi – La culla dell’arte casearia delle Valli Orobiche”
promoted by International Traditional Knowledge Institute Foundation

Manifestazione Agricultura e Diritto al Cibo – IV Edizione
promoted by Comune di Bergamo and organized Urban Food Policy Pact

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Zero hunger (2)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)

Summit internazionale delle Città Creative Food. Restart from Creativity
promoted by Comune di Bergamo and organized by
Associazione Le Tre Signorie

* – Goals of the 2030 agenda
> Industry innovation and infrastructure (9)
> Sustainable cities and communities (11)
> Responsible consumption and production (12)
> Life on land (15)

A City between tradition, present and future

Autumn is the season in which Bergamo is filled with events that bring together the past, present and future of food culture and tradition. Inserted in the contemporary city, they become protagonists on a local and global level.
Festival del Pastoralismo

Every year, Festival del Pastoralismo (Pastoralism Festival) celebrates and narrates the local pastoral traditions, whose protagonists are the dairy art,the bergamini, the Bergamasca sheep, the Bergamasco Shepherd dog.

Born in 2014, the event preserves gastronomic and cultural traditions by transporting them into the current context with exhibitions, conferences, workshops.

The events of the festival culminate with the re-enactment of transhumance, the age-old practice of migrating cattle, which every autumn moved to the plains from the mountain areas, where it would come back in spring.

The value of this tradition, which for centuries has shaped the relationship between man, animal and land, was recognized by UNESCO, and was included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2019.

The festival is organized by Associazione Pastoralismo Alpino (Alpine Pastoralism Association).

Right now Bergamo has become important in the Creative Cities Network, and every year since 2020 the City of Bergamo has organized the International Summit of Creative Cities.

I Edition: “Food. Restart from Creativity” - 11.20.2020. The event delved into the themes of food culture and innovation in the culinary industry.
With the participation of Alba COG, Bergen COG, Belo Horizonte COG, Burgos COG, Dénia COG, Östersund COG, Parma COG, Tucson COG.

II Edition: “Remember the Future” - 10.22.2021. The summit hosted the telling of solutions and strategies implemented by Creative Cities to cope with past and future difficulties.
With the participation of Belo Horizonte COG, Bendigo COG, Cochabamba COG, Milan COL, Östersund COG, Parma COG, San Antonio COG.

III Edition: “Bridges Across Boundaries - Intercluster Exchanges for Creative Solutions” - 10.21.2022. Creative Cities shared experiences, and projects developed through the intertwining of creative methods and practices.
With the participation of Alba COG, Fabriano COC&FA, Milan COL, Pesaro COM, Santa Maria da Feira COG, Thessaloniki COG, Zahle COG.

IV Edition: “Feeding Innovation through Creativity” 10.20.2023. The focus of the meeting was the creative process, the resulting innovation and the positive spillover effects on territories.
With the participation of Alba COG, Bergen COG, Burgos COG, Mérida COG, Parma, COG; Pesaro COM, Rouen COG, San Antonio COG, Santa Maria da Feira COG.
Progetto FORME

Every year Bergamo hosts “FORME” the event dedicated to the excellence of the dairy sector, which since its first edition in 2015 has become the reference event for the field.

The event brings to the city a market-exhibition, set up in the picturesque setting of Piazza Vecchia, together with tastings, conferences, exhibitions and workshops dedicated to the art of cheese-making. FORME is organized by The Cheese Valleys - Le Tre Signorie Association - strategic partner of the City and for the attainment of UNESCO recognition - in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo.

The B2Cheese event accompanies FORME every two years by acting as a counterpart for professionals in the dairy sector and represents the flagship event for national and international cheese producers and buyers.
Agricultura e diritto al cibo

Created in 2017 to accompany the global G7 Agriculture, which was held in the city, this event is now organized every year to promote actions and responsibilities in the food sector and to guarantee the future of local and global agriculture.

Prestigious names from the scientific and agricultural world and from civil society discuss issues of food safety during conferences and meetings. The event is enriched by markets and exhibitions that enliven symbolic places of the city.

The festival is part of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, which Bergamo has signed together with the mayors of various cities around the world on urban food policies.

The Municipal Administration of Bergamo, adopting its own Food Policy, undertakes to develop and support strategies so that the City is prepared for present and future challenges in the field of food sustainability.